Sunday, March 14, 2010

Climate Cover-Up

In my Case Studies class Dr. D chose several books she wanted our class to read for the semester. Our second book we just finished reading was "Climate Cover-Up," written by James Hoggan with Richard Littlemore. In "Climate Cover-Up," Hoggan mentions key players and focus groups that have either been helping to advocate the seriousness of global warming or those who try to deny global warming.

The book is a difficult read but once you have read it, you start to put things into perspective and begin to question those key players and focus groups that tell our country nothing is wrong and that we don't need to be concerned with global warming. I personally can say that after reading this book, I really want to learn more on how our country is handling this serious issue that many people do not seem to be concerned with.

In Chapter 1, Hoggan explains what he calls lemmings and lifeguards. Hoggan says that the lifeguards are people whose lack of training, conflicts of interest, or general disregard have put us all at risk of storming off the cliff as so many apocryphal lemmings. He means that not all but some lifeguards lack the credentials they need to be able to sacrifice to save others.

In Chapter 16, Hoggan says that "You" are responsible for the "intergrity of the public climate change conversation." That really stood out to me because regardless of what anybody tells us about denying global warming, we are still the ones who need to take some initiative to try and change the way we live to save our earth. We have to be responsible for our actions and not simply believe what our government tell us. You need to do your own research and try to find out if we are at high risk for global disasters.

What have you done lately to save the earth?
I challenge you all each day to do something good for our environment.