Sunday, February 28, 2010


It's my second blog post, and I am really excited because I am finally getting the hang of how to blog. So far I am only blogging about topics we discuss in my Case Studies class. Today or should
I say tonight my topic is "framing."

Framing is a PR tool often used to help get a message across to or influence public opinion. Some see it as a social theory that can be used to help people understand or respond to news media.

One major topic we are focusing on in class that is often framed is the issue of global warming. Often the media frame things to make us think that global warming is not as bad as some make it seem. For example, many politicians will choose their words very carefully so that people do not really understand the seriousness of this issue.

After reading James Hoggan's book "Climate Cover-Up," I have a better understanding of how Hoggan is trying to help us understand issues on global warming. Hoggan's book puts many people and organizations in the spotlight on how they try to frame themselves as people who are really concerned about global warming. For example, our past president George W. Bush tried to include policies aimed at global warming, but he actually had terrible initiatives such as "Clear Skies," which would harm the environment and cost the U.S. much more money.

When it comes to framing, we have to be more proactive and research things for ourselves and not let the media control our minds and dictate how much we know on any issue, especially when it comes to global warming. I challenge you to do your own research and see how this issue has been framed.